
Can Blue Ocean Strategy help Companies go Green?

According to Craig Barrett, Chairman of Intel Corporation, the United States will need to improve its capacity to innovate if it wants to maintain its economic position in the world,. Furthermore, government must make R&D more of a priority, as should private industry.

In an interview putblished by Insead Univeristy, Barrett says that INTEL is one of the largest venture capitalists in the world and no longer invests as heavily in the US and Europe, but rather in Asia.

He says that the poorer economies are very interested in growth so they invest heavily in education in the sciences. The wealthier the economy, the less is invested in growth, so there is a drain in the US and Europe with respect to the sciences. More than half of the advanced degrees awarded in the US go to foreign nationals.

So how could the Blue Ocean process and tools help the US remain on top of the world economically? Using the Six Pathways can help not only reconstruct new market boundaries, but the strategy canvas, six pathways and strategic moves can help determine better ways to go green.

It would be interesting to see if anyone out there has applied these tools to the “Green” Way. Email me and I will post your story.

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Posted by Dr. Sarah Layton in Blue Ocean Strategy, Governance, Growth on March 25, 2008.

2 Responses to Can Blue Ocean Strategy help Companies go Green?

  1. B-E-E Consulting: April 14, 2008 at 11:25 am

    Thanks Sarah

    It is interesting and inspiring to read your blog about “Blue Ocean” opportunities in society – also outside the classical business cases.

    Recently I came across a rather unique company that to me seems to have found and developed a “Blue Ocean”:

    Ray and Sharon Courts: “Hollywood Collectors and Celebritites Show”

    In “The Four Actions Framework” terminology:

    Create: “Meet with and touch celebritites before they are no more”

    Raise: “Accessability – get real close to the celebrities + Uniqueness – have your favorite celebrity sign your own personal collectible live”

    Reduce: “Fixed,rental costs”

    Eliminate: ” (Mega)celebritity fees” + Variable, setting up costs”

    On a more classical note and if you are a B2B unit manager you may be interested in reading my blog:

    on straegy formulation and implementation – including “Blue Ocean”.

    Peter Sørensen

  2. mbolden: April 15, 2008 at 2:59 pm

    I like this article, Sarah, it is proactive and forward thinking to apply Blue Ocean Strategy to be prescriptive, as opposed to descriptive. For anyone reading this, I have an article which I recently completed which extends Blue Ocean Strategy into a paradigm which can dominate and monopolize a marketspace. Write me at, and I will send it to you free!

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