
Getting A Healthier Organization for a Brighter Future

You go to the doctor every year for a health checkup to make sure your body is running smoothly. She checks your weight, blood pressure, takes your history, asks about your eating habits, your exercise habits, and basically checks every bodily system. The tests that are performed tell the doctor about the current state of your body, so she can give you the most accurate advice about improving your health. 
The doctor tries to identify the areas of weakness to avert a major illness and additional expense. This is what the Strategy Diagnostic does for an organization.
We perform the health checkup using the Strategy Diagnostic for your organization. We run the broad spectrum of financial tests to determine where you can improve your operations and save money. We help you create a lean, efficient operation that is prepared to move in any desired direction in the future.
Just as your lifestyle habits impact your health, the finances of an organization are the result of an organization’s operations. Whatever is going on in sales, marketing, human resources, and all operations will show up in the financial results. When we apply the financials to all aspects of the organization and then compare the results to the accepted norms of your particular industry, we can tell you what needs to be done to become more efficient, healthier.
Specifically, we are looking for areas inside your organization that will help you increase revenue, decrease costs and raise the EBITDA, thus specifically raising the value of the company.
When you have finished implementing our recommendations, then you are ready to go after your Blue Ocean Strategy, or face the banks, venture capitalists, business brokers, investors, or expand your business any way you desire.
For more information, email or call us @ 407.342.6507
©2013 Corporate Strategy Institute



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Posted by Dr. Sarah Layton in Growth, Organizational Strategy on January 3, 2013.

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