
Watch for instructions for Blue Ocean Strategy Tools

Well, we finally got our new website launched. Check it out at Be sure and listen to the audio by clicking my photo on the home page and don’t miss the personal scrapbook link at the bottom of the About Dr. Layton page. Please let me know if you have any problems at all or have suggestions that would make it better.

Some people seem to struggle with the tools of Blue Ocean Strategy when they apply them to their own organizations as part of their strategic planning process. Starting with the next blog, I will cover each tool separately and give simple instructions for how to apply each one, step by step.

Here is what I plan to cover, probably in this order:

1. Value Innovation

2. Red Ocean vs. Blue Ocean

3. The Pioneer-Migrator-Settler Map

4. The Strategy Canvas

5. Four Actions Framework

6. ERRC grid

7. Three tiers of non-customers

8. Four Hurdles of Strategy Execution

9. Fair Process

10. Tipping Point Leadership

Some of these may take more than one blog, but at the end, you should have a clearer understanding for how to proceed with creating blue oceans.

If you have questions or challenges along the way, shoot me an email and I will try to answer in the next blog. If you need an answer more quickly, let me know that as well and we will do our best.

FREE Teleseminar: I don’t usually do this but a dear friend and colleague, Roxanne Emmerich, is offering a FREE teleseminar on How to transform your workplace from adult daycare filled with energy vampires to a “bring-it-on” place you and your customers love. Register today—you don’t want to miss this.

Just click the link below or paste it in your browser and register for this free event. I know Roxanne and it will be high energy and full of value.

Having a great place to work that is also swimming in a blue ocean would be just perfect, wouldn’t it? Register today for your spot in this free event. And stay tuned to this blog for just how to employ the tools of Blue Ocean Strategy.

Email me now at to book a Blue Ocean Strategy presentation for your conference or to help your executive team create your new Blue Ocean Strategy.

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Posted by Dr. Sarah Layton in Blue Ocean Strategy on March 26, 2009.

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