Why Your Organization Needs A Strategic Planning Process
You Will Not Reach Your Company’s Goals By Chance
Strategic planning can help you create your Vision, Mission, Values, Key Objectives and decide where you want to go in the future, what you want your organization to look like three, five, 10 or 20 years from now. Whatever your goals, you need a plan that will get you there.
Strategic Planning can be company wide and involve the entire team or be more narrowly focused to address a critical issue. Critical issues might be a recession, a shortage of a critical part you need, the loss of a major client, or a disaster. It might also help you with a critical new issue like determining how to move in to the future.
Our Strategic Planning Process
Any plan must be written down for it to be effective and implemented. The plan must not only say where you want to go but also how the goal is going to be achieved with actionable realistic milestones. We strongly believe in the strategic plan as a living document rather than a paper weight in the bottom drawer after the “made a strategic plan box” has been checked.
Strategic planning can also take the form of executive coaching. In these cases we help a CEO deal with sensitive issues. We can be the sounding board that helps an executive think through an issue without creating any additional problems within the organization.
We are a knowledgeable trusted advisor to executives when they need us most. We know how to keep confidences and help move the organization in the right direction without perturbing current operations.